viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Reflections about the course:

I was undeniably not the best student in this class, but I can say that I enjoyed what I have done, learned, and contribute. I’ve learned that there are many ways to improve a class online, and to help students that may not have the time or money, or whatever comes on the way to attend a class. I also appreciate the help of the teacher because she’s always there just like the readings said… actually… I lived the readings through this class and I find it very interesting. I must say, that my e-mate Natalia was the key for me finishing the course and I’m very thankful J

I really want to get in to this methodology and learn more from it. I hope to have more classes like this one to get more experience.

With kind regards,
Rosario Alberici.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Unit 3...

About this unit...
It was very interesting the many ways that a teacher can interact with his/her students, to acknowledge the techniques and facts to consider. Also, it makes me think a lot about the ways that students can interact with each other even though the web provides so little to socialize with others, these techniques are very useful. Although, I would like to introduce more interactive games to online learning, that can give you clues and information based on readings, conferences, and other normal activities in a non printable way… like the guide that UABC provides to new students.

Rflections: Unit 3

About this 3rd unit...
It was very interesting the many ways that a teacher can interact with his/her students, to acknowledge the techniques and facts to consider. Also, it makes me think a lot about the ways that students can interact with each other even though the web provides so little to socialize with others, these techniques are very useful. Although, I would like to introduce more interactive games to online learning, that can give you clues and information based on readings, conferences, and other normal activities in a non printable way… like the guide that UABC provides to new students.

martes, 2 de junio de 2009

Reflections: Unit 2

In this unit I learned the importance of the preparation steps for an online course, so as the discipline required from the tutor in order to assess students on the way. I also acknowledge the many forms that an activity can be preformed online and all the procedure that evolves from the design to the evaluation of it. The best of this unit was the design of the e-tivity for I have to imagine myself doing it in the process so I could believe in my own product.

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

Online Education Terms...

Some of the terms used in Online Education, are the following:

Asynchronous Cohort System

Allows students to enroll at any time and proceed at their own rate. This is also called, "continuous enrollment."

Asynchronous Communication

Communication in which the participants interact in the varied time-spaces (e.g., e-mail, threaded discussions, posted homework, message boards). This also refers to the way students come into and go through an online class or program; in the synchronous process, all students in a class enroll at the same time and adhere to the same calendar for the class. average daily attendance (ADA)
ADA is "(i) the aggregate number of days of attendance of all students during a school year; divided by (ii) the number of days school is in session during such school year." (U.S. Department of Education, 2002)

Course Management System (CMS)

The technology platform through which online courses are offered. A CMS includes software for the creation and editing of course content, communication tools, assessment tools, and other features designed to enhance access, communication, and ease of use. Also called an LMS, or Learning Management System, or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Cyber Charter School

Similar to a brick-and-mortar charter school but instruction is primarily delivered over the Internet.

Cyberschool And Digital School

An online learning program in which students enroll and earn credit towards academic advancement (or graduation) based on successful completion of the courses (or other designated learning opportunities) provided by the school. In some states, many cyberschools are charter schools. NOTE
These schools may or may not provide content that is standards-based, and may or may not be accredited (sometimes referred to as "virtual school")

Discussion Groups

Groups formed usually for a particular topic or theme using computer conferencing software or listservs. An example of discussion groups are UseNet groups.

Distance Education

This term refers to any learning that occurs when the teacher and the student are separated by distance or time. Teaching from a distance requires special techniques of course design, instructional techniques, and methods of communication by electronic and other technology, as well as special organizational and administrative arrangements. Course credit and graduation diplomas awarded are considered equivalent in standard and content to a face-to-face program. Classes may include any or all types of media and access technology, and are generally classified based on the predominant mode of delivery. Distance Education originally was book-based and was typically known as "correspondence" schooling.

Full-Time Equivalent

The number of students at a given institution if every student were full-time. "Full-time" status is determined by the institution according to the total number of credit hours a student takes.

Homegrown Content

Original, online course content developed by the education institution. The teacher developing the content may or may not be the teacher of record who delivers the online content to students. This sort of offering may or may not meet state standards

Interactive Videoconferencing (IVC)

Courses in which content delivery and interaction are primarily through live television hook-ups (see synchronous below) connecting a teacher to groups of students on-site and in distant locations. (see for specific IVC terms.)

Online Classes

Primary means of content delivery is via text and other media on the Internet, and in which the primary means of communication is through email, group discussion bulletin boards, chat rooms, file transfer and attachment, etc. Online students may read material online, or may print hard copies.

Online Learning

Instruction and content are delivered primarily via the Internet. Online learning is a form of distance education.
Online Learning Program
An educational organization that develops and offers online instruction and content. An online learning program may be a cyberschool, or it may provide supplementary learning opportunities for students enrolled in physical schools or cyberschools.

On-Site Mentor

Person designated by an institution to provide face-to-face support to students taking online courses (sometimes referred to as a "surrogate nag. Person serving in the Mentor role may also be known as the Site Coordinator.)


domingo, 1 de marzo de 2009

Reflections: Unit 1

I have learned and reinforced many things in this unit, one of them is the difference between Open and Distance Education, which I use to confuse a lot. I believe that Distance Education is more efficient, due to the responsability of being more autosufficient when fulfilling tasks and investigations, etc., but is also more challenging because of the discipline that requires from the students. From all the possible ways to take and/or teach a subject in the Distance mode, I choose the web, beacuse it's full of resources that can help students to achieve their goals, and make their learning more easy.

By: Rosario Alberici.